Friday, October 28, 2011

Good-bye summer

With the first snow of the season under our belts, it's hard to believe that summer is gone and fall is quickly passing us by.
We've enjoyed a beautiful fall so far. I have loved the continued warmth with a hint of crispness in the air. What a surprise to wake up to 9 inches of snow this past week. It was fun to watch Elias figure out what all this white stuff was. He started out saying hello to it in the morning, but wasn't so sure about it once we were out in it. He definitely didn't care for walking in it!
Last weekend we went to a pumpkin patch and picked out a few pumpkins. Although he only seemed interested in the tractors at the time, he's been talking about picking out pumpkins all week.
Earlier this fall we got Elias a strider bike. He loves his bike and has figured out how to walk with it and is working on steering.
Let's see, Elias is talking up a storm these days. His words and sentences are getting more complex and complete every day. "trampoline" is a recent word that comes to mind. His memory is amazing (at times). He recognizes where we're going and remembers who lives there. I could go on...
Elias is getting closer to being (daytime) potty-trained, woo hoo! We started reading potty books a month or so ago, got a new potty, and a week or so ago he started to consistently and accurately tell us when he needed to go. We're not totally there yet, but the days of washing diapers are limited! Any tips on nighttime training?
Tom has kept busy this summer and fall with work at Qualcomm as well as some iPhone app development. In spite of that he's been able to enjoy some bike rides, lots of coffee outings and Saturday mornings at the farmer's market with us.
This summer/fall I completed the 51-mile Venus de miles bike ride. I trained most weekends with the full cycle ladies club and had so much fun. I never thought i'd be looking forward to riding my bike another season.
That's not everything that's been going on, but hopefully brings you somewhat up to speed on our happenings!