Sunday, September 2, 2012

Venus de Miles 2012

I've been riding with the Venus de Miles women's bike club this year, which has been a lot of fun. Every year near the end of the season, the club participates in the Venus de Miles cycling event. It's a ton of fun, women-only, good food, massages at the end, facial samples, and raises money for college scholarships- I don't think it could get better.

Last year I rode the 51-mile ride, which was great. This year I thought I'd challenge myself with the 67-mile ride. My mother-in-law was supposed to ride with me, but a crash earlier this season prohibited that. Then, an exhausting ride two weeks ago made me question my decision to do such a long ride, but I attempted it anyway and am so glad I did! It was fun, challenging and exciting to have met my goal.

Here are a few pics:
At the start:

The men in a drag (ladies only event, but these "ladies" ride with us, assisting with any mechanical issues or whatever else might come up).

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